Real estate and homes are available in the city or cities of Kenton and in the county or counties of Kent County , DE, which are in area code or codes 302. These are specifically in zip code 19955. Add yours below.
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Having trouble getting the number of a local Kenton STD clinic? There are some excellent STD test clinics in the Kenton area of Delaware, there`s no need for embarrassment as tests can be booked over the phone.
Former town treasurer and wife of the former mayor charged in elaborate scheme.
911 calls detail last moments of woman`s life in Kenton murder. printable page. Submitted by ... The dispatcher calls a deputy to go to the home about four miles outside Kenton. .... 15 West Winter Street, Delaware, Ohio 43015
Real estate and homes are available in the city or cities of Kenton and in the county or counties of Kent County , DE, which are in area code or codes 302. These are specifically in zip code 19955. Add yours below.
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